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Make Up

Sorella Make Up by Jennifer

Sorella Mineral Liquid Powder Foundation, liquid that dries to powder

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Sorella Mineral Liquid Powder Foundation, liquid that dries to powder


Liquid Foundation, SPF 15, Hypoallergenic and Oil Free. Glides on velvety smooth and sets to a soft-powder finish while dramatically smoothing surface imperfections for a flawless even complexion. This innovative liquid formula is fortified with our exclusive Multi-Mineral Complex of Magnesium, Potassium, Sodium, Zinc, Lysine and other vital elements. It contains sunscreen and antioxidant protection that ultra-sensitive skin needs. An oil-free formula that is great for all skin types, particularly skin with large pores, an oily t-zone or one that is acne prone.

Lightest skin tones: Porcelain and Creme Beige
Light to medium light: Tender Beige and Vanilla Cream
Medium: Pale Beige and Natural Beige

Net wt 1.2 oz

